Where Do We Stand So Far? (Looking for Voice Actors!!)

About Three Months Ago, I stated that Chapter One of 'Where's The Starlight?' was nearing its completion, and while that is true, it has still yet to be released. So where do we stand..

Chapter One is practically done but there are things that I keep finding myself going back and working on and or changing. One of the late-game scenes I have rewritten at least four times now, a lot of the dialogue has gone through this treatment. I am looking for voice actors for certain characters still, I desire to redraw the main villain's portraits as I am not happy with how they look anymore.  I was hoping to have the game out by now but that is not the case. Clearly. 

'Where's The Starlight?' is a project I want to be fully happy with when it launches. So what is the remaining checklist I have to go through? Well.. I want to rewrite the final boss scene since it has yet to be touched since I first wrote it, I need to find voice actors for at least 4 characters still, and then I need to implement all the voice lines from said actors into the game, I want to redraw The Evil Queen, I need to balance some skills and stats too. Oh, and I need to change all of one of the character's portraits to remove copyrighted material. They have a pin that has a soda brand on it that I want to get rid of to avoid any issues in the future.

It may seem like a lot, and while it's a lot of tedious work, it's not too much in the grand scheme of all I've done so far, at least I don't think so. I do not want to make it seem like this chapter will be massive.. far from it, I do not see this taking more than a couple of hours at most to complete fully. As I've said before though I wish to make future chapters much longer.

This first chapter is very much Deltarune/Undertale inspired which you can tell from a glance at the world. It was originally just a fun little project that was pretty much done back after a couple of weeks of working on it, but I wanted to expand on it so much more, and welp.. here we are now. The following six or so chapters will have a different look about them to avoid looking like any media it's inspired by even more.

'Where's The Starlight?' is also kind of difficult to just work on some days due to a lack of motivation to do art or anything, I've been struggling with content creation too. Recently I've been doing my best to force myself out of this slump and at least tackle something related to it for at least 30 or so minutes a day.

If you are interested in Voice Acting for "WTSL" (Where's The Starlight?) please contact me via Twitter (I am not calling it X) or Discord!! More details will be supplied upon contact. Any help is appreciated as well as any and all engagement. "WTSL" will be a free game and I don't ever see me monetizing the release of this project or any chapters, that said most likely any help on this project will be nonprofit unless if I commission someone directly or something like that. 
With that mentioned, once again, if you are interested in voice acting for this project I would be so grateful. You will be required to do a small audition for any and all roles, more information will be given upon being contacted via Twitter or Discord! (If you go through Discord, please join my server and reach out to me or my mods through there! With Twitter my DMs should be open!!)

Thank you for your time in reading this, I hope to share more soon!! 

Twitter: https://x.com/AliceIsZer0
Discord: https://discord.gg/AzFMfXReZc

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